Information Technologies In The Supply Chain

Information technology supports the logistics of operations, whether internal or manufacturing. Logistics can be understood as an activity that is responsible for the movement and storage of materials, components and intermediate products throughout the entire production process in order to ensure the fulfillment of the tasks of the continuity, order and pace of the production function. computersmarketing

Since the introduction of the first computers, information systems have been used in companies as a commanding tool to optimize and improve their management. The mentioned implementation of information systems was progressive, constantly changing in accordance with the field of application in the company and existing technologies. nanobiztech

How Information Technologies Evolved

Inventory control

Since then, the company has absorbed on research and development in inventory management in software development, resulting in the development of ICS (Inventory Control Systems). globalmarketingbusiness

With the help of these systems it was possible to know the stock of each product in the warehouse, the consumptions in different periods and, of course, its valuation, which is very important for the current company. Integration with the rest of the company's computer applications (accounting and administration) has proven to be a very important factor in process optimization. allinonetechs

Material requirements planning (MRP)

In the past 1960s and early 1970s, the first MRP (Material Requirements Planning) systems appeared. These systems emerged as an evolution of ICS, thanks to the use of BOM (Bill of Materials). hollyhealthfitness

A fundamental characteristic of MRP systems is that they adopt a hierarchical approach to inventory management, basically allowing the development of a materials plan based on three main elements:


·         Master of Manufacturing Program (PMP). healthbeautystudio

·         Bill of Materials (BOM).

·         Inventory file (FRI). leadmarketingbusiness

MRPs are making remarkable progress, including reduced inventory, reduced turnaround and delivery times, and increased efficiency. However, to achieve these benefits, high PMP precision is required.

But the main problem with MRPs is that they do not take into account capacity limitations and store management practices. answerhop

Manufacturing Requirements Planning (MRP II)

MRP II systems are a natural evolution of the MRP systems that emerged in the 1980s. In this new stage in the development of information management systems, the needs of both management and planning of the flow of information are taken into account. materials as well as the resources and capacities necessary for production. technologycompanians

Although the acronyms of these new information systems (MRP II) are the same as in the case of their predecessors (MRP), they do not mean the same thing. MRP II stands for Resource Planning, and the letter II has been added to clearly distinguish them from traditional MRPs, which focus solely on materials management. webtechgalaxy

These types of systems, as their name suggests, are focused on the manufacturing area, although it is true that they try to integrate with other applications that drive other areas of the company.

Continuing with this evolution, new functions are being integrated into the MRP II systems that cover other management areas within the company, such as engineering, human resources, project management, logistics, etc.

As a result, a new ERP term is included: Enterprise Resource Planning or Enterprise Resource Planning, which more clearly defines the concept of an integrated business management information system.

Information Technologies In The Supply Chain

According to ICT, they have techqueer become a means to streamline, increase flexibility and improve the exchange of information and operations used in warehouse management.


Figure 1 illustrates the application of ICT in digitalknowledgetoday processes. This figure shows that ERP is a fundamental technology that allows you to integrate and control other ICTs in your warehouse management processes.


The main ICTs applied to this intralogistics healthnutritionhints are: ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), WMS (Warehouse Management System), LMS (Human Resource Management System), Pick to Light-Voice, OMS smartdiethealth (Order Management System), YMS healthfitnesschampion (Warehouse Management System) ..., Barcode, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), SCE (Supply Chain Execution). READ MORE: popbom


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